Aidex Voices

ACAPS is a free information provider who specialise in humanitarian needs analysis and assessment. They help crisis responders to better understand how to address disasters around the world.

Humanitarian contexts change constantly and unexpectedly, which is why ACAPS developed the CrisisAlert app, which provides analysis on over 40 crises daily. The can be used offline, and notifies the users as soon as the situation changes, which aims to speed up the decision-making process and subsequent humanitarian response.

Transparency is key at ACAPS. They provide access to original documents in the app and all data that is presented is put together by analysts who have followed strict methodological criteria. This ensures the analysis is independent, free from bias, and only based on humanitarian needs and evidence. 

Caroline Draveny of ACAPS explains how the app is necessary when managing a portfolio of so many countries, where situations are dynamic and complex. Draveny says the app helps you “obtain a quick up-to-date picture by presenting latest figures and key priorities immediately.”

While ACAPS acknowledges their news will never be as fast as an international media outlet, Draveny says their app offers the humanitarian perspective with facts and expert analysis which responders need to know.

She believes utilising technology correctly is helping humanitarian operations to become more agile, timely and precise, enabling aid delivery to be streamlined and able to reach a greater number of affected people.

However, Draveny warns of the challenges that come with personnel data privacy and increasing dependency on services and expertise of non-humanitarian actors who could compromise the values and objectives of aid efforts.

“More technology safeguards need to be put in place.”   

This blog is part of the 5 must-have apps series for World Humanitarian Day. Read more here.